My wee Scottish Mum

Created by Gracie 6 months ago
I remember 13+ years ago when we first met at work. We clicked in an instant. I loved working with you because we have the same work ethics--I know my day at work will be better when you're there. I can remember when you told me you've lost 2 stones and you looked chuffed with yourself. As English is not m first language, I was confused, so I asked you, "wha kind of stones did you lose?" You burst out laughing, and explained what stone you meant! What a laugh we had then. Like I've said to you before, thank you for the friendship. You treated me not just as a workmate, but as a friend and a daughter. You were in my big days-- wedding and meeting my baby/s. I will miss you. I will miss how you say "that's terrible". I will miss your stories. And I'll always remember the hug you gave me on my first Christmas away from my family. You helped m homesickness. I couldn't thank you enough for your care and kindness towards me. You are one-of-a-kind. Love you my Scottish Mum. RIP
